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Unified Protocol (UP) Training and Certification


The Unified Protocol is an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral psychological intervention for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional and related disorders (those with emotional dysregulation). Professor Jorge Osma is certified by the Boston University Institute for Unified Protocol to train and research in Unified Protocol. If you want to train in the Unified Protocol or become certified, either to learn how to use it in your clinical practice or because you want to use it in your research, we recommend training and / or certification. The possibilities that we offer you are the following:


Levels of training


Training in Unified Protocol

Courses and workshops to therapists, mental health services and research units
  • Courses between 6-30 hours depending on the needs of the people interested.
  • Contents about the transdiagnostic approach, the theoretical transdiagnostic model of emotional disorders, dimensional diagnosis, case formulation and  explanation of the treatment session by session (application to different clinical cases).
  • You can do it at the Unified Protocol Institute (UPI) in English (one day workshop) and online (http://www.unifiedprotocol.com).
  • Professional College of Psychology of Valencia (Spain) in Spanish, online (https://www.cop-cv.org/formacion/4147).
Level II: Therapist Certification
  • Therapist Certification entails supervision on a course of treatment with the UP (around 12-16 sessions). Successful completion of the program indicates that a therapist has been deemed competent to deliver the UP to his/her patients.
  • Supervision is conducted via video-conferencing (e.g., Skype, Zoom) at UPI in English (http://www.unifiedprotocol.com) and at Professional College of Psychology of Valencia (Spain) in Spanish, online (available on https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F4iQNfNo1Y-XKFcUcZcOuzwW5hysMY-r).
Level III: Trainer/Research Certification
  • The next step is Trainer/Research Certification which indicates that successful completers are competent to train others in their institution on the UP (e.g., provide supervision) or to provide research-adherent treatment. The supervisor reviews the videos/audios of each session (around 12-16 sessions) to assess the therapist’s fidelity with the UP.
  • Supervision is conducted via video-conferencing (e.g., Skype, Zoom) at UPI in English (http://www.unifiedprotocol.com) and at Professional College of Psychology of Valencia (Spain) in Spanish, online (https://drive.google.com/file/d/12swp86j2JYlAUHAupOckOSBIGNxrxAEn).



Research Consultation


Over the last years, different researchers have contacted us to consult about different scientific and clinical aspects regarding the use of the UP to distinct aims, in different contexts or with diverse samples. Our research experience in the UP application in different contexts (private settings, public mental health settings, social services, specialized health services, etc.), to distinct clinical problems and with different samples (emotional disorders, resistant schizophrenia, women’s victim of intrafamilial violence, perinatal depression, among others) and using both individual and group formats of delivery, enables us to give you advice if you need it.

Since now, and just for illustrative purposes, we have provided training courses to psychologists and psychiatrists from different research units, we have given advice and reviewed research projects, we have collaborated in UP adaptations to specific cases, and we have actively participated in distinct scientific studies. If you think that we can help you, contact us!


Books and Manuals


Aplicaciones del Protocolo Unificado para el tratamiento transdiagnóstico de la disregulación emocional

Psychopathological studies of recent years have been interested in finding the dimensions of vulnerability shared by psychological disorders in order to solve the problems of the categorical diagnostic method. This approach is called transdiagnostic. What do these disorders share? Frequent and intense unpleasant emotions (such as anxiety, sadness or guilt) are experienced in all of them. Scientific evidence points out  neuroticism as the cause of the emotional dysregulation that is present in emotional disorders. The Unified Protocol continues to accumulate international evidence of its efficacy and cost-effectiveness, not only for the treatment of emotional disorders but also for other disorders with deficits in emotional regulation. Through a didactic and very practical approach, different examples of how to apply the Unified Protocol are described.

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Protocolo unificado para el tratamiento transdiagnóstico de los trastornos emocionales_Terapeuta

This second revised and expanded edition of the "Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders" (Therapist's Manual and Workbook) has been designed and developed based on the latest advances in evidence-based treatment programs, resulted from the most current research and controlled therapeutic evaluation with the greatest clinical rigor. These two manuals offer a comprehensive diagnostic program for the therapist and the patient designed to address "emotional disorders" closely related with anxiety and mood, such as panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, major depressive disorder and dysthymia.

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Protocolo unificado para el tratamiento transdiagnóstico de los trastornos emocionales_Paciente

This second revised and expanded edition of the "Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders" (Therapist's Manual and Workbook) has been designed and developed based on the latest advances in evidence-based treatment programs, resulted from the most current research and controlled therapeutic evaluation with the greatest clinical rigor. These two manuals offer a comprehensive diagnostic program for the therapist and the patient designed to address "emotional disorders" closely related with anxiety and mood, such as panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, major depressive disorder and dysthymia.

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Why do we cry, get angry, laugh or love? Because we get excited. Emotions can be a rolling train or a refuge of peace and we must learn to recognize, share and manage them. This book proposes the best and most successful skills that are learned progressively through a journey through stories that you will live and solve as if they were yours.

How do children recognize emotions and how do adolescents immerse themselves in them? How do parents help or harm in this process? Why is the emotional balance of the future brewing in childhood, and why are anxious or cold adult styles most affected? Emotional harmony can be achieved with proper management.

This book helps to identify the positive and negative of emotions and that we know how to express them without being overwhelmed. We can live them in the present time without fear of the uncertainty and knowing how to empathically understand the emotions of others.

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Terapia dialectica comportamental

The way in which we experience, modulate and express emotions, emotional regulation, is an essential dimension for mental health. Emotional dysregulation underlies a significant number of mental disorders; the paradigm of persistent emotional dysregulation is  borderline personality disorder.

This therapy aims to improve the quality of life of patients, emphasizing the balance between acceptance and change that is present in strategies such as mindfulness and distress tolerance (acceptance), emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness (change).

Azucena García Palacios is a professor of Psychopathology at the Jaume I University of Castellón. M.ª Vicenta Navarro Haro is professor at the University of Zaragoza (Campus Teruel).

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